
Danielle x Pinup Portraits

Today was pretty exciting creatively. I asked my coworker Danielle a while ago if she’d be interested in being my muse for a photography shoot and after seeing my recent … Continue readingDanielle x Pinup Portraits

Lucy Goosey

For those of you who see this on Facebook, you might already know that I’ve been giving my neighbor’s cats snacks. They come meow at our door every day now … Continue readingLucy Goosey

Breakfast Bites

This morning I woke up bright and early (9:30 is early for me, don’t judge) and decided to make something different for breakfast than my usual Sunday pancakes. I was … Continue readingBreakfast Bites

Side Step

Good morning from Minneapolis! I have one last floral photo to share with you all from this set. There’s more in the archive, from a different day, but I haven’t … Continue readingSide Step

Coral Mermaid

Taking a break from my regularly schedule posting program to be a narcissist and show off my new hair. I wasn’t happy about the way it looked after having it … Continue readingCoral Mermaid


I went MIA for nearly two weeks in the middle of some great photos…don’t ask me why, even I don’t know. Anyway, I’m back with a continuation! This is definitely … Continue readingFlames