
Side Step

Good morning from Minneapolis! I have one last floral photo to share with you all from this set. There’s more in the archive, from a different day, but I haven’t … Continue readingSide Step


I went MIA for nearly two weeks in the middle of some great photos…don’t ask me why, even I don’t know. Anyway, I’m back with a continuation! This is definitely … Continue readingFlames

Lavender Bells

Another day, another flower. This is one of the photos that I was really excited about and decided to get it printed as an 8×10. It looks even better in … Continue readingLavender Bells


Remember that little snippet a few days ago when I said I started to intentionally photograph flowers with contrasting backgrounds? This is one of those examples. I have another one, … Continue readingOpposites


One of my favorite unintentional things (at first) that I noticed while I was doing this shoot was that I was capturing a lot of contrasting color backgrounds for the … Continue readingSquashy

Dancing in the Wind

The time is finally here for fresh flower photography and I’m long overdue for a blog update. Michigan weather has decided, as always, to skip spring and go from “warm … Continue readingDancing in the Wind

The Polk Penguin Conservation Center

It’s certainly been a while since I last updated, and that’s in part with not being inspired to photograph anything and being preoccupied with other things. However, I was privileged … Continue readingThe Polk Penguin Conservation Center

Split Ends

I searched my archives tonight looking for something good to post because I felt photographically frustrated today while trying to make some new content. I ran across an old selfie … Continue readingSplit Ends