Philly Eve Photos


Finals are finally over and I actually had some minimal time today to take a few pictures inbetween packing for my trip to Philly tomorrow, exercising, showering, and other things. And yes, you can count on pictures going up during or after my Philly trip as I’m sure there will be lots of awesome opportunities and things to take pictures of, not least of which will be my best friend’s cat, Ruby. I am super excited for this trip (and nervous about navigating the airports haha).

Anyway, so my mom’s birthday was this past week, and my dad bought her some deep red roses (I got her an iPod Nano, newest generation, and a Kindle Fire…that she made me buy with my money and then paid me back. That woman.) She asked me to take pictures of them (I was going to anyway) so I did. Meanwhile, today I took pictures of these candy flowers I always get really excited about whenever I go to Michael’s and see by the check outs. The somewhat ironic thing is that last time I had these, Maria (my best friend who I am visiting in Philly) and her boyfriend came to visit me over here in Michigan, and now we’re swapping. It’s the little things in life sometimes…

I also took pictures of my nails because I did the ombre sponge thing again, but Photoshop was being such a whopping douchecanoe that I had to redo the candy pictures twice because it replaced all of them with one of the nail pictures I was working on. Twice. Ridiculous! I almost wasn’t going to post any pictures, but I figured since I’m mentioning this, I will.

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