Chrysanthemum Collection


In the past few years, I’ve discovered that I really love Chrysanthemum flowers. They’re gorgeous to look at, but even more interesting to shoot.

In this set, I’m featuring the ones I took photos of using my 50mm portrait lens – and this was by accident, because I realized too late on the way to the flower shop that I had the wrong lens on. But I think the photos turned out well regardless.

They were all shot on manual mode. My floral pieces always turn out better on manual. And I think I’m finally starting to better understand my camera. Ya know, 2 years later.

F-stop: f/1.8 Exp: 1/640 sec. ISO: 320
F-stop: f/1.8 Exp: 1/640 sec. ISO: 320
F-stop: f/1.8 Exp: 1/1000 sec. ISO: 320
F-stop: f/1.8 Exp: 1/1250 sec. ISO: 320