Photography Wish List: Portrait and Mini Studios


What have I been doing the past 3 days!? Apparently completely forgetting that I have Blogvember blogging responsibilities, that’s what.

Unfortunately, I don’t really have any new content to share with you all – at least not that I feel is worthy of sharing at the present moment. However, I thought I’d take this opportunity to talk about some of my wants/needs in terms of my photography.

As most of you know, if you’ve been following this blog long enough, about 90% of my photography is taken using natural light. The main reason is because I do not have a studio set up to substitute with, but also because I really enjoy the way natural light comes across in photos. You can tell it’s natural and it just has this engrossing aura about it that makes the kind of photography I do work so well.

However, just because I mostly shoot in natural light doesn’t mean I want to always do so. On my long list of “things I need, but avoid buying because they’re not necessarily urgent” are a plethora of photography studio equipment pieces – from lighting to backdrop holders. I do also have a DIY list for these things, but I haven’t gotten around to organizing everything to I can set my plans in motion.

There’s really a couple different setups that I need to get together. I’d absolutely love to have a portrait studio setup – and really all I need for that are some basic photography umbrella lights and a backdrop. Amazon sells kits for reasonable prices, and I’ve had a few in my wish list for quite some time. But also I also need a mini studio for all the small scale stuff I like to shoot, and that’s where the DIY setup comes in. I get pretty geeked thinking about making the mini studio, so it’s really only a matter of time before I finally gather up everything I need for that and make it. Or I could just order a premade one from Amazon. WE’LL SEE.

While I was browsing Amazon for research for this post, I also came across light rings, something that I forgot I wanted, but conveniently was shown and is now in my wishlist. I am genuinely surprised at the low prices of some of this stuff, and I thinking I may get myself some of this stuff for Christmas this year. Because presents to yourself are always the best Christmas presents.