First Snow


You know you’re in Michigan when one day you have sunny, relatively “warm” weather for late November (upper 50s!) and the next day THE WRATH OF THE SNOW GODS HAS FALLEN UPON YOU.

That’s what I woke up to this late morning, 15 minutes before I had to be at work (yay not setting alarms!) and left to in the late afternoon. I had a solid 3 inches of snow on my car and there’s a good 5 or 6 inches outside from the snow we got all day.

After putting up our Christmas tree, because this weather is clearly appropriate for it, I threw on my coat, boots, and earmuffs, and ran around outside trying to take pictures of the snow. A little difficult with not a lot of light to work with.

But I got a couple shots I liked. Here’s one of them!

Hoping to take some nice pics tomorrow during the day. I’ll also be at the Detroit Zoo for their first weekend of Wild Lights light exhibit, so I’m planning on working my magic there as well. Anyone else going?
