Better Late Than Never: A Floral Set


Long overdue? Always. I suppose if you’ve been following this blog, by now you should probably expect and just accept that I don’t update “sufficiently enough” as some people would like me to…*coughChriscoughI’msorrycough*. But it’s totally okay, cause at least when I do update, I personally feel I have some pretty good stuff to show. RIGHT!?

Anyway, I teased my Facebook friends last week with a photo from tonight’s set and got a pretty great overall response. Speaking of Facebook, do you guys think I should make a fan page for Vivography? Would you “Like” it? Let me know in comments!

And, without further ado, here is a personal favorite set: Photos of flowers from a garden-shopping adventure with my mom a couple weeks ago. Enjoy!

Teaser photo!

Note: You may NOT use this work outside of the viewing pleasure of this blog. Thank you!

Find me on deviantArt here!


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