Astro Photography


I’ve recently been turning my eyes to the skies and spending time in the r/astrophotography subreddit on Reddit. I’ve been trying to figure out exactly how I can best use my DSLR to capture photos of deep space, but I’m pretty positive I don’t have all of the right equipment as of yet. And since I’m a visual learner, reading about how to set everything up leads me to more confusion, so I’ve been trying to find videos that help me and this one that I watched last night was pretty informative for a quick set up.

We had a gorgeously clear sky last night, perfect for stargazing. I played around with my Meade telescope for a good hour and a half and 3 hours later went back out with my DSLR to try my hand at photographing the sky. I think I got some pretty good shots for my first try.

I also attempted to take a SUPER long exposure shot that took more than 20 minutes to capture, but I got impatient and shut the camera off at that point. Here’s a few shots I edited in Photoshop to enhance the stars. I captured The Pleaides M45, Orion (and when zoomed in, you can even kind see the Orion Nebula M42), and The Big Dipper.

The Big Dipper
The Big Dipper
Orion and The Pleiades (M45)
Half of Orion and The Pleiades (M45)