Old World Traditions


Welcome to my newest blog/site! This baby is aimed at showcasing my photography and other artistic endeavors. Although they’ll all be showcased via photography, so therefore, we’ll just say it’s a photography blog. It is also supposed to be portfolioesque, and therefore I shall maintain a more professional feel here, despite the adorable aesthetic.

So, I thought I’d start fresh with two photos I took today.

This first one I managed to snap even within the very short time I had before work (I woke up late). Last night I baked Cheese & Onion Muffins, however, due to the fact that I do not have a studio or studio lighting, I don’t like taking pictures that are not in natural lighting, so I couldn’t photograph these babies until today. I’m pleased to say they turned out really good and I highly recommend you all make the recipe yourselves!

Secondly, today is the first of March, which in Romania (I’m Romanian, btw – no I’m not a vampire)  is a national holiday called Ziua Mărțișorului, meaning Day of the Mărțișor. What is a mărțișor, you ask? They’re basically little charms with red and white twisted yarn/twine that you give to special people in your life on the first of March every year. They signify the beginning of Spring and is worn for the first 12 days of the month, or until the first bloom of some fruit trees. That said, here is the over-sized mărțișor I found on my bed from my mom when I got home from work today.

Note: You may NOT use this work outside of the viewing pleasure of this blog. Thank you!


3 Replies to “Old World Traditions”

  1. I love your blog already, Viviana! I’m so excited to see your photography and writing – and FOOD in one spot!

    1. Aaaah, when I saw you had liked Vivi by Viviana on Facebook, I was like “I know where Ms. G has been perusin’!” I also thought of you while making this blog, just so you know. <3

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