Fall Update


Hello! Hi. I’m still alive and well aware that it has definitely been a minute since my last post.

In that time span, I have (thankfully) transferred all my files and photos to an external hard drive, lost any functionality on my HP laptop, bought a MacBook Pro 2015 and then returned it, and just bought a MacBook Pro 2018 that has yet to have any media imported on it. PHEW.

I’m still getting using to Apple as a whole, particularly the keyboard as I’m currently typing this – I find their keyboards to be slightly too far to the right and I keep hitting the wrong keys. I’m also still aggravated that I can’t see the time in the bottom right corner and the close/minimize buttons are on the left side – like at this point it just feels spiteful to have them there. 

I also bought and downloaded Affinity Photo and will be testing out that software hopefully this weekend, when my dongles arrive and I can import media. 

Additionally, I allowed myself to splurge a little since I had a credit on my Prime card from the 2015 return, and finally bought a ring light, photo studio setup, and an extra backdrop. I have a selfie shoot planned for this weekend that will tie into all that and help me try out Affinity, so hopefully some new content coming your way here.

Speaking of selfies, I would check out my website every time I went into the Apple store huffing and puffing over whether I should indulge in the 2018, and I noticed that this year has been, first of all, sparse on posts, but secondly, full of photos of myself. Maybe I should analyze that deeper, but I’d like to try to get different models and extend my portrait portfolio beyond photos of myself. 

Eventually I’d like to pick up that 52 week photo challenge I started in the beginning of the year and dropped a couple months in. I can’t really call it procrastination anymore when it’s been roughly 8 months since the last time I even attempted it, right?

I’m currently about a week behind in Inktober sketches, so there’s there too, but I’m solidly planning on finishing that project.

That said, I should have new content coming soon!