Easy Fried Rice


When the pandemic shut down began in the middle of March, I started getting cravings for Asian fried rice and Thai food, so I decided I would try my hand at making fried rice at home.

This recipe, which I’ve tinkered with along the way, has literally been fought over in my house. My family loves it so much when I make this dish, that my mom requested I make triple today to ensure there was enough.

It’s a super basic, easy recipe, and you don’t really need special ingredients. You can mix up your ingredients however you’d like, but I’m giving you the base. The quantities listed below are for 2 servings.


deep dish skillet with cover
wooden spoon
a few small bowls
cutting board and knife


~ 1-2 tbsp oil
2 carrots, peeled, diced
1 small onion, thinly sliced
2/3 cup frozen peas
1/3 cup unsalted cashews
1-2 cloves garlic, minced
1-2 eggs, beaten
1 VeeTee basmati rice package, microwaved 90 seconds
soy sauce to taste
salt and pepper to taste
chili pepper flakes to taste


  1. Heat your oil in the skillet until shimmering, then add carrots and cashews with some salt and pepper. Cover and cook until carrots begin to soften and the cashews start to brown, about 5 mins. Toss around with wooden spoon a couple times during cooking.
  2. Add the onions, a little more S&P, cover and cook until the onions start to become translucent, then, add peas, cover and cook for another 3-5 mins.
  3. Add the eggs and scramble.
  4. Add the cooked rice and mix with the veggies. Squeeze soy sauce over everything per taste and continue mixing well.
  5. Add the garlic last and mix, then turn off the heat.
  6. Add chili pepper flakes to taste. Enjoy!