DDF Part II: The Pink FlaminGO! Mobile Restaurant


One of the other caterers at the DDF closing ceremony that I spent a nice chunk of time with was The Pink FlaminGO! Mobile Restaurant. Traveling around in an Airstream around the streets of Detroit, The Pink FlaminGO! offers “locally grown, health conscious, organic food.” And let me tell you guys, it is seriously delicious.

I tasted one of their roll-ups when it got busier in the hangar and they were out serving and it was absolutely fantastic.

Unfortunately, I didn’t get a sufficient amount of pictures (in my opinion) of their hors d’oeuvres because about half of them were shaky due to the cramped space and poor lighting in the Airstream, but I did get photos of the ones I tasted. Be sure to check them out on Facebook by clicking the link above!


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