Chicken Salad for Your Soul


So I know I’ve been totally MIA from this blog for far too long and as always, I deeply apologize. I really do apologize here more than anywhere else…BUT THE PAST THE PAST and I have mouthgasmic food to share with you all so let’s get talking!

My absolute favorite thing to do with left over chicken is make chicken salad. It’s super easy and super delicious, so I thought I’d share my personal recipe with you all.

– Leftover chicken (I usually use about 2 chicken breasts worth)
– 1 small/medium Onion (I definitely accidentally used red onion and scallions last time I made it…)
– 1-2 celery stalks
– 1/4 cup pickles
– 1/4 cup dried cranberries
– Mayonnaise and sour cream to taste
– Salt, pepper, garlic powder, and onion powder to taste

1. Chop everything up into tiny pieces about 1/2 inch cubed.
2. Mix everything together.
3. Serve cold  with crackers or in a sandwich cause that shit tastes better when it’s cold.

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