
Lucy Goosey

For those of you who see this on Facebook, you might already know that I’ve been giving my neighbor’s cats snacks. They come meow at our door every day now … Continue readingLucy Goosey


Alright, first thing’s first. For all you photophiles (what’s the actual word though?) who wanna see more of my photography, you’re in luck! I decided to make an Instagram account … Continue reading#Single4Life

The Foldio Mini Studio

Christmas is finally over (a sweet relief, working retail) and although 2015 has been a pretty rough year for me, I was thinking this morning that I have quite a … Continue readingThe Foldio Mini Studio

Photography Wish List: Portrait and Mini Studios

What have I been doing the past 3 days!? Apparently completely forgetting that I have Blogvember blogging responsibilities, that’s what. Unfortunately, I don’t really have any new content to share … Continue readingPhotography Wish List: Portrait and Mini Studios